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Writer's pictureMaiphepi

What you desire for yourself, overrides what I desire for you!

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

You are stronger and more powerful than the tricks that your mind is playing. Everything that you see is temporary, what is real is not visible and that is why you need faith - believing in what you cannot see and touch.

You are the creator of your life and so nothing ever happens 'by mistake'. If there is something you do not like in your life, you can change the way you think about it. Choose to think about the outcome you desire. Meditate about your desired outcome over and over and over again until it becomes a habit and second nature and your mind repeats it for you. That is how we create. We create our life from the inside-out (i.e in our minds) by what we continually think about and focus on. Your outside world is a reflection of your inside world. Everything that you see as physical started as an idea before it became physical.

Therefore, choose your thoughts carefully! We are energy, vibrating at a frequency. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it has always been, is and will forever be. It can only be transformed by the way we think. We emit and receive energy all at the same time. Based on the irrefutable Laws of Attraction, Vibration, Cause and Effect amongst several other laws, this is how life goes. You are either creating consciously or unconsciously. When you say 'I don't know why something is happening to me', you are creating your life unconsciously. Start watching your thoughts and see the reflections in your life, then you will know yourself and start choosing and focusing consciously on the outcome you desire.

I can send you love and healing, but it always boils down to: "What do you want?" What you desire for yourself overrides what I may desire for you. I can never override your desire because you came in this time-space reality knowing your personal mission and in the process because of the contrast in this physical world you develop new desires all the time. These desires help serve you towards accomplishing your personal mission in this time-space reality.

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