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Writer's pictureMaiphepi

Are We Telling Our Authentic Stories?

Updated: Nov 28, 2020

What a great question to ask, isn't it? Most of us (if not all of us) pretend to be telling our authentic story. There are plenty of reasons for that, including that we don't do it on purpose. We either create on purpose - that is, consciously or unknowingly - or we do so unpurposefully (or unconsciously).

Most of the time it is because we succumb to the urge of wanting to "fit in", simply because we don’t accept ourselves for who we are. Most of us, after all, have been taught by our parents, family, society, religion, government and culture how we are supposed to behave and live our lives before we have fully discovered our true selves.

Whenever you have tried or are trying to be your authentic self, you are shunned and either told or made to feel as though there is something wrong with you. As a result, you give in to the pressure of behaving like "everyone else". I mean, who wants to be isolated and rejected, especially by the people they love? Nobody, right?!... What we then do is seek acceptance by doing the things that are "expected" of us. What then happens to the true you, amidst of all of this pressure? Well, you become sad and frustrated, knowing that deep down you hate what you are doing just to get acceptance. This, sadly, damages your soul - the real you.. and it is then that you become a wounded soul and continue to forget who you truly are.

You are not just your body and mind. You are spirit/soul having a human/physical body. Your body is just a vessel, an instrument or vehicle you use while in this time-space reality. When your spirit leaves the body, the body and mind change their form and become useless for your next leg of your journey. Your spirit, therefore, lives forever - it was, is and forever will be.

When you follow what others expect of you, you will definitely lose your path and become frustrated, angry and all the negative things you can think of. When you came to this time-space reality, you knew what you wanted. The soul/spirit knows its' purpose long before its' incarnation. When these people you love so much dictate to you how to "be" or how to live your life, they are not interested in your well being. Looking from the outside, it might seem that they want the best for you, but they themselves have forgotten their authentic selves and are projecting their reality on you.

They essentially don’t want you to use your God Given gift of "thinking" for yourself because they don’t know that they too can think for themselves. They hide behind history and culture because they are unconscious. Deep down they are wounded and sad and, according to them, it is better for everyone to be the same. It is better when there are rules and regulations that can be adhered to by everyone. The thought of a father or God somewhere, who decides what is wrong or right makes them comfortable. Freedom of choice is something foreign to them. They don’t want to take responsibility for their actions because it’s easier to blame.

Deep down in your heart, you know what you want to be and do, but because you have to conform to these demands, you die spiritually before your time. You become a moving corpse. By the way, we cannot blame these people because they also do not know better. That is how they know life to be.. and to them it’s the "only" way. They are afraid to think for themselves and question everything. They were typically also never taught to think for themselves. They were taught (and us too!) to believe in hand me down beliefs or experiences. Someone experienced something and therefore you "have to" apparently take it is as the gospel truth.

Why aren’t you allowed to experience things for yourself and test that hand me down belief for yourself? You are not here to live according to someone else’s experience. You are here for your own experience. This is key and highly important. I mean, why then do you think you are here? It has got nothing to do with the next person. It doesn’t even matter how you came about. You are here for your own experience and to share yourself and your gifts with your fellow beings. We have unfortunately been brought up with fear! It is this fear restricts us to what others say and stops us from experiencing the life we want to live and experience for ourselves.

The concept of Fear is a topic on its own..

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