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Writer's pictureMaiphepi

Forced Change

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

We are living in uncertain times... there are no guarantees. The life that you knew is gone, we have to find our footing in this new, uneven terrain. The Source / God / Mother Earth / Soul etc. is talking to us. Are we listening? Can we hear the message?

We are all members of one Body, one Consciousness. As individual members of one Body, have we been pursuing our purpose for the good of all? Or have we been so foolishly following hand me down individualistic rules or other people’s purposes. Each of us has a unique and different role to play in this one Body. We complement each other. If each and every one plays their unique role / purpose, the whole Body will be healthy and function as it is meant to be. It’s time we each introspect, see our role in creating our present situation and take responsibility without blaming. Only then can we take corrective measures.

Have we forgotten our true selves? "That we are made in the image of God" (Genesis 1:27) "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God" (Philippians 2:5,6) You are that which you believe yourself to be, instead of believing in God or Jesus, believe you are God or you are Jesus. That each and every one is an individuation of God, that God is experiencing Him/Herself through each and every one of us. That the same power of creation God has, is ours too. “He that believeth on me, the works that I do, shall he do also” (John 14:12) This verse implies that he that believe as I (Jesus) believe, the works that I (Jesus) do, shall he do also. Jesus found it not strange to do the works of God because he believed himself to be God. “I and my father are one”(John 10:30) It is natural to do the works of the one you believe yourself to be. We can succeed only with God, never against him. We can succeed only as a whole, never alone and against.

This pandemic is a wake up call. We have been sleeping and we forgot ourselves. We have become so focused on peripheral things that do not matter and do not last. This is a call to also go to the centre of our being. Because we live in this time-space duality, we have to have a balance. A balance is brought about by neither being on the periphery nor the centre, but by being in the middle. Being in the middle means being choiceless. Neither side is good nor bad, they are just. When you live in the middle you judge not and accept what is here and now. Whatever life throws at you, you accept and swim down the stream, not upstream. We are so used to fighting our situations, going upstream, against the current. Swimming upstream is very difficult, it creates problems in our lives, we are basically going against life. When life says this is the direction to follow, we say no ways, there must be a better and easier way. We never take time to stop and see clearly what is in front of us. We miss the opportunity to rise above the problem and come out on the other side greater and better than we were before.

There is light at the end of the tunnel, it’s just waiting for us to open our eyes and see it. "You hypocrite! First, remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye"(Matthew 7:5) Let us first look within, introspect and know ourselves, only then can we go and help another. It is our duty to take responsibility for our part in this mess. This mess is our creation. We created it as individual members of this one body and as a collective. It always starts with one. Let us play our part, no blaming but taking responsibility for our part.

Blessing upon you and yours in these times of distress. Hang in there, before a calm there is always a storm. This too shall pass. Namaste 🙏🏽

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